About the project
Respiratory tract infections (RTIs), such as common colds, are one of the main reasons why parents consult general practitioners (GPs). They often lead to unnecessary prescriptions of antibiotics for children. Using a behavioural science framework, and drawing on findings from previous research - in particular the EEPRIS (Evaluation of Enhanced Paediatric Respiratory Infection Surveillance) Study - we modelled potential influences on parents’ consulting behaviour. This was the basis for developing an online intervention that combines real-time microbiological and surveillance data, symptom duration information and home-care advice to reduce unnecessary GP visits for self-limiting, low-risk RTIs.
Project aim
To determine the likely impact of this intervention on parents’ primary care attendance.
Anticipated impacts
The intervention is a new and innovative way to address over-consulting in primary care. It should not only help reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions, but also costs and the burden on GPs, and save parents’ time.
Internal funding (NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Evaluation of Interventions)
Project dates
August 2016 to May 2018
Research team